- Teaching English,
- 45 years,
- Political activist and journalist from Burmese,
- Grew up in billingual family,
- Experiences with teaching for eight years,
- Lifestory which will be in movie,
I am Edward Johns (Eddie) also known as journalist Linn Thant. I am Anglo-Burmese, my grand father is British and my grand mother is Burmese. My father is retired experience teacher of Burma too.
I studied Civil Engineering but I couldn't completed my education because I involved in Burma’s democracy and human right activities in 1988. Then I was arrested in 1990.
I stayed in prisons of Burma nearly two decades as a political prisoner. At first, I was sentenced to death. 3 years later, it was changed into life-sentence which meant 20 year imprisonment. I secretly studied French, Spanish and some other languages when I was in prisons. My mother passed away when I was in prison in 2005.
After I was released I fled from Burma because I don’t want to stay in prison again. Then I joined prominent Burmese Exile media group The Irrawaddy ( www.irrawaddy.com) based in Thailand in 2010. My pen name is Lin Thant/ Linn Thant.
The Czech Republic granted me as a asylum in 2011 and after I got the documents of CR I went back to Thailand to resume. I stayed in Thailand about 5 years. In February 2015, I moved to CR with my wife and we have been starting our new life in Prague, Czech Republic. Now I have my daughter Izabela who was born in Prague on 22nd January 2016.
After I moved to CR, I wrote some articles for Denik Referendum (denikreferendum.cz) based in Brno, the Czech Republic.
I teach English, meditation ( Buddhism way ) too. I have been teaching English, Physics and Mathematics high school students since I was 18 year old.
And I have been self-studying child psychology and human psychology, philosophy, internal relationship, politics, religions, journalism and the nature of beings.
Here is my message to you who want to learn English or learning English.
Don't be afraid the English! Don’t be shy to speak in English!
English is one of the most easiest languages in the world that's why English is global language.
Why English is important for everyone?
1. English might not be the most spoken language in the world. But it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is sure that over 50 % of people in the world ( world population is 6.5 billion) use in English to communicate each other. There are approximately 6900 languages currently spoken around the world, the majority of which have only a small number of speakers.
2. English is directly connected to business and it is also the dominant business language. Now Business-English is necessity to learn for business people around the world as well. If you are willing to enter or enter a global workforce, markets and research from all over the world, you must know English well. So that English really can change your life.
3. Many of the world’s top books, news, data, information, films and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding. And the more you know English the more you get knowledge and information.
4. Estimated percentages of the top 10.1 million websites using various content languages as of 18 March 2015. Over 53.6 % of the internet websites’s content shows in English. Some statics says 55.5 % of the Websites Using Various Content Languages all over the world. There are just only 0.7% in the Czech language of the internet websites from all over the world. So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available!
If you would like to have a lesson with me, please have a look in here.